1 month birthday!
Russell was officially one month old on 2 days ago. Just saw the doctor and he has put on almost 800 grams in 2 weeks. His cheeks are now firm and chubby. We were wondering if we were overfeeding the little fella. Doctor said as long as he wasn't throwing up or crying after the feed, that's find.
Doctor did some testing on him and it was hilarious as he was near feeding time and could only be bothered if you were the breastfeeding mum or bearing a bottle. Obviously he failed miserably the test where he was prone on the mat as he started sucking on the mat !
Somehow he didn't respond to the bell test. Probably looking for something that resembled a nipple and wasn't bothered by the bells.
Had his vacinnation, Hepatitis B booster. Apparently, there is a long schedule of vaccinations he has to go thru in next 6 months and you can't get into school if you don't complete them.