Special message from Russell
Hi !
I have a special message for you
Pls let my mommy know if you can make it , okie?
Russell's Journey as our first kid. The myths, traditional practices and old wives tales that we heard. The modern practices and choices in baby care, baby apparel, baby diet , baby learning, baby development and great deals we found. Just sharing what we've experienced and learned.
Hi !
Russell at 18 months boogeying to Hi 5 and his little brush. It is hilarious to watch as he wiggles his tush vigorously and his accompanying hand actions. |
Baby Russell in his first dance moves. Hilarious! He shakes his whole body and gyrates to his favourite show Hi 5. |
I was just reading about this kid Shai who went through so much as an infant suffering from cancer and what the mother went through to get her the best treatment. There is a post also from the bone marrow donor for the daughter.
We had our first tea party at home with Justine and Mattt
Russell's first swim! It was taken in late May 2005 when he was about 5.5 months old. Actually this was his second time in the pool. First time, he peed 3 times on me and wasn't sure of himself. Now on his second visit, he is pretty comfortable and already enjoying the water.
Here we go... after months of doing the stationary rocking on all fours, Russell is now in motion! This was taken in July 2005
We have scoured the bookshops and online for guide on raising baby and asked friends. The one book that consistently comes up is this