Saturday, January 01, 2005

Hello World. I am Russell Toh

Russell Toh at 5 mins old. Born 31st Dec 2004 Posted by Hello

Yo! Whatcha doing to me? Can't a boy have his privacy ?

Russell arrived alive , screaming and kicking.2.71 Kg at 7.27pm on new year's eve no less. Posted by Hello

Cord Blood Banking - Wonders of Life Sciences

We opted for Cordlife for cord blood banking. Umbilical cord blood (UCB) contains a rich source of haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). These have the unique ability to differentiate into specialised cells, including the various types of cells in the blood; red blood cells for transporting oxygen, white blood cells for protecting the body against infection and platelets for clotting the blood. Because of this, HSCs are essential in regenerating the body’s blood and immune systems.
We heard about a couple who managed to save their boy from life threatening leukemia by having another baby and using the cord blood to transplant to her brother. It was an exact match and the boy has then recovered.
Umbilical cord blood transplants are rapidly being recognised as one of the most efficient and effective methods of stem cell therapy.
We chose to store Russell's umbilical cord blood, as an insurance for future medical treatments.
Figured life sciences would advance enough for the cord blood to be amplified and be useful enough to treat more conditions and potentially even others in the family.
Posted by Hello

Wonders of Epidural- Best invention ever for mummy in labour

Mummy had it done at 3pm and the pain immediately went away. Otherwise, it was excrutiating for mummy and worse for daddy who couldn't do much to placate mummy. Posted by Hello

CTG Scan for contractions

This is the view of the CTG scan. Notice how baby heartbeat drops with every contraction. Doctor advised oxygen supplement for mummy. This was a great tool to time the pushing too. Posted by Hello