Well, last night was hell. Baby Russell sucked for one hour after each feed and then decides he would like to hang out and look around. Of course, he gets bored after 4 mins and start wailing. We were like the Civil Defence team scurrying around to placate the screaming 2.7kg bundle. Did this over the 5 times and mummy is all knackered by sunrise. Then Daddy took over and tried over 20 positions to calm the little fella. Some positions worked better than others. Think he just had too much gas as he tended to get hiccups and burped whenever he was patted for 10 mins. In the end , the little fella fell asleep on daddy's chest. Must be the sound of the hearbeat , hungry stomach and body heat.
Mummy literally just zonked out after the morning feed and baby also knocked out on her chest.
Zombie mummy and baby