Monday, January 17, 2005

Breastfeeding saga

The little fella is seems to be on a growth spurt and is taking in about 40% more. Mummy's milk factory working overtime.
After talking to friends and a lactation consultant, we have decided to upgrade our breast pump to a more powerful one, the Pump In Style. Just when we decided to get one, there isn't any stock. So, being the technology savvy couple that we are, we headed for ...Ebay. Amazing, we got one thru the online auction. What's even more amazing was the seller is an old acquaintance. Who'd have thought?

The lactation consultant gave some tips which mummy is trying.
Fish & papaya soup - must be FISH HEAD cos there are higher content of essential fatty acids there and potentially some galactagogues
Fennel - apparently an Indian belief that it helps milk production
Acupressure on back of the hand and top of the foot prior to breastfeeding
Fenugreek - a supposed galactagogue to stimulate breast milk supply
Cut down feeding time to 20 mins and pump regularly ( this is to allow mummy to rest)

It is great that we have friends who are supportive and could share similar experience. This definitely helps and definitely want to thank Val, Bridget and Shin for all those phone calls.

The consultant's parting words were it doesn't matter how much you can give. As long as you have some , it's better to give that than not at all.

Anecdote from another mother on Breastfeeding Experience


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