Hmmm...something to think about...
Russell wondering how he can get his hands out of the wrap and get mummy to feed him more.

Just did his liver function test and turned out ok. Still little jaundiced. The test was to determine the levels of good and 'bad' billirubin to see if the liver functions are normal. Breastfed babies apparently have tendencies to have prolonged jaundice.
We are watching him for another week before the PD review. If it's breastmilk jaundice, we may have to temporarily feed him formula till it clears and then resume breastmilk to eliminate the possibility of breastmilk induced jaundice.
Grandma has also gotten some traditional Chinese cure in the form of Hong Kok Fa which looks some dried red flowers for the baby to bathe in. Apparently it helps. Apparently it was used for mummy more than 30 yrs ago! So , no harm since it is a bath.

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