Sunday, January 16, 2005

Breastfeeding in the 2nd week

We are now into our third week and wondering if we are doing a good job in breastfeeding the baby. He seems to suckle for a long time and yet still whines 15 mins after that as if it's not enough. We have had to supplement as the doctor has advised to keep him well fed while he is still having his jaundice.
All these articles on breastfeeding (Breastfeeding Your Baby - Babycenter) indicate for the mother to persevere through and some not even supplementing. I guess the baby knows when he is hungry and has enough. Mummy is already putting the kid to the breast every 2 hours or so. Daddy wish he could help more.
Right now, we are activating friends who have breastfed well, breastfeeding support group and going to see a lactation consultant.


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