Sunday, May 15, 2005

love at first bite!

Lina had her first lovebite from Russell. That's when she discovered he is teething. Yes, one little one on the lower jaw. Another one seems to be on the way.

Russell is putting everything to his mouth and slobbering over everything. We went to buy some toys for him today to keep him occupied and something more hygienic for him to put to his mouth.
Went down to Toys'r' Us but their selection of baby toys are limited. Caters more to toddlers.
Then we went down to Baby Kingdom , a hypermart of baby goodies in Kaki Bukit. The selection there were much more and pretty good. It's where we got his cot. They have a wide selection and very good quality.
We got a fan from there too to clip on his cart.
Looks like we got to consider feeding him solids soon.


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